
One Mom's journey to raise empowered mixed-race children

Tag: racism

Von Brunn is a domestic terrorist. PERIOD!

Von Brunn, an 88-year-old white supremacist, racist and anti-Semite, opens fire at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum and kills a security guard.  88!  What has this world come to?  An elderly man, in his late 80’s, taking a gun, going to the museum and opening fire.  He has a lot of years of hatred built […]

“Don’t speak Spanish, you’re in America, speak English.”

So, I’m drinking coffee and reading CNN. Nothing different than any other morning. After PJ and Ken leave for school and work and MJ goes down for morning nap, I bust out the ol’ Mac and get to work. But today, this one particular article really caught my attention right off the bat. First, I’m […]