
One Mom's journey to raise empowered mixed-race children

Tag: pj

RIP Barack Obama; our fish, our friend. We'll miss you.

“You were a great fish & so good to me.  I’ll never, ever forget you.” These had to be the saddest words I’ve ever heard PJ mutter.  Last night, as we tucked her in and turned to leave her room, we couldn’t see Barack in his bowl.  When Ken got closer, he noticed Barack on […]

Stay on track and never, ever give up!

This is what PJ, my 7 yr old daughter and 2nd grader got from President Obama’s School Speech. We watched the speech via YouTube last night after dinner and just before bed. I’m not sure if PJ’s school or class will watch, but we felt it was important to have her view it, discuss it […]

"red-shirting" your Kindergartner

I’m sad.  Summer is almost over.  It feels like it just started.  Where did the time go?  In just a week, I’ll be walking PJ to school and sending her off to 2nd grade!  It feels like yesterday and we were sending her off to preschool. online levitra india And yes, yet again, it’s another […]