
One Mom's journey to raise empowered mixed-race children

Category: Family Life

Stay on track and never, ever give up!

This is what PJ, my 7 yr old daughter and 2nd grader got from President Obama’s School Speech. We watched the speech via YouTube last night after dinner and just before bed. I’m not sure if PJ’s school or class will watch, but we felt it was important to have her view it, discuss it […]

The higher the expectations, the higher the results.

“The higher the expectations, the higher the results,” says Ron Clark, teacher and founder of the Ron Clark Academy. You may have seen this video before. You may have also seen Mr. Clark on Oprah.   Ron Clark, a former North Carolina schoolteacher, founded the Ron Clark Academy with money he earned from his book, The […]

Polo isn’t just for rich people!

Yesterday was one of those perfect San Diego days. The sun was out, the ocean breeze was blowing and the temp was a perfect 78 degrees. It was downright outstanding! So what do you do on a such a perfect day? Well, in San Diego, you have so many choices, it’s hard to decide. But […]